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 multiple photos to cross stitch
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Posted - 11/29/2017 :  08:41:12  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
I am looking for the best software to buy and technique to use to accomplish a project. I have looked at reviews for PCstitch and think it may be possible in some version of this software. Looking for guidance both on the software and on my project I would like to convert multiple photographs of the stained glass windows at my church into detailed cross stitch patterns border. I took the pictures with my Nikon Coolpix camera (point and shoot) I do not own any software programs like Photoshop. I hope to be able to insert the photograph in a cross stitch pattern software and end up with a detailed chart that will reflect the beauty of the windows.

I want to use these photos in several ways but the main project is to arrange the pictures (or parts of the pictures) to form a 2-3 inch "picture frame" border that will frame a quote. The project was conceived because I expect that a few years from now our pastor will move on to other places and he has spoken often about how he loves the stained glass windows of the church. I want to put those windows in stitched formed so he may always look on them.

The each piece of glass is one color, there is a gradation of shades as the light shines through them. I would like the finished project to reflect this. I don't have the finances to buy photo shop software, but if a good cross stitch program will make up for the lack I really would like to do this. I am an excellent cross stitcher and have worked with embroidery design for 40 years. I stitch many of the Lavendar and Lace angels and love the way that thread can create a painting.
Any advise?


2873 Posts

Posted - 11/29/2017 :  11:57:33  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
No software will do what you want in a single step. All require working to make the right parameters of number of colors and so forth. Then comes the "artistry".

You need to take time to tweak the pattern initially created for your use.

For example, no matter how simple your picture will be, the lines of the canes between the panes of glass will not be straight or a single color. Also, no matter how simple the pattern is, there will be many "confetti" stitches that you will have to remove by deciding what color they should be and change them.

The camera and the software see color very different than you do. What you see as a solid black line, they see as black with shades of gray along the edges -- no simple cut-off.

I have seen cartoony images that should be 4 colors come out as 10 and that's one of the better initial imports! Unfortunately, in that case, NO tweaking was done -- very bad pattern!

Also, there is a difference in the SIZE of your image. It's best that the pixel dimensions of your image match the stitch dimensions of your pattern. You mentioned having something 2-3 inches wide (or tall, depending on where the frame section is). That means, you have to figure out the number of stitches for that dimension depending on the fabric used. If you use 14 count, then that dimension in pixels will be 14 to 21!

Note, you don't need fancy photo software to adjust the size of your image. You can resize it using plain old Microsoft Paint but I find it easier using Irfanview which is free. Irfanview will resize and retain the aspect ratio. You have to fuss with that manually with Paint.

No matter what software you use, this is not a simple project so you need to be prepared to put the time in to make it just what you need. If you do that, I'm sure the results will be stunning!

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