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 Palette Replace key
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Posted - 02/19/2013 :  13:53:06  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Hi all!
I am a new PCStitcher and I have been working on a stained glass picture that was made in black and white (older print). Fortunately the shading of the photo is clear enough, as I have been
selecting and replacing appropriate colors to the picture, but is there a way to 'Add' to palette and 'Replace' the color that I am manually changing? This would be a function much like that of Excel's "Find and replace" feature. Thanks! Jinzsa



2873 Posts

Posted - 02/19/2013 :  15:25:37  Show Profile  Reply with Quote

It's possible with PCStitch but it's a 2 step process. First you add a new color. Then you replace all of the old color with the new color. I do not remember if it automatically removes the old color or not but you can remove it manually if not.

You can even just change part of the stitches in the old color with the new color by marking an area first and then he program will have you choose between selected area or all stitches.

There is no such thing as a stupid question
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Posted - 02/27/2013 :  14:26:28  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Hi, just a follow-up to this topic,last night I (finally) went to the help tab and searched 'replace'. The tab told me to choose the color that I want to replace in the palette on the left side and 'drag' it to the color I WANT TO REPLACE in the 'my palette' section, then as you place it in there, a window opens as to what you want to do, then I chose 'replace' and ALL the previous colors change with the same symbol originally given (i.e. 3 stays 3 with the change in color.
Where I want to change the color back or improve an area, I must do this manually.
I hope this helps!


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