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4 Posts

Posted - 08/07/2012 :  15:53:00  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Please, how to include the color in the legend for exporting and saving?

When I export or save, the legend doesn´t display the color, only the symbols.

Thank you,


2874 Posts

Posted - 08/07/2012 :  17:28:10  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
First - what version of PCStitch are you using?

The colors are saved with the file PCStitch file. To display them, it depends on what display option you have. As for exporting them - some exports don't include the legend at all. The floss usage chart doesn't even export the symbols, just the color numbers.

If you want to "export" a full pattern with legend, notes, instructions and everything else, then install a "virtual printer" such as PrimoPDF and then "Print" to that file. It will export what would be printed onto paper into a PDF file.

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4 Posts

Posted - 08/07/2012 :  17:42:42  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
My version is PCStitch 10.

Is it possible to export the full (including colors)pattern with this version?


Originally posted by Dragonlair

First - what version of PCStitch are you using?

The colors are saved with the file PCStitch file. To display them, it depends on what display option you have. As for exporting them - some exports don't include the legend at all. The floss usage chart doesn't even export the symbols, just the color numbers.

If you want to "export" a full pattern with legend, notes, instructions and everything else, then install a "virtual printer" such as PrimoPDF and then "Print" to that file. It will export what would be printed onto paper into a PDF file.

There is no such thing as a stupid question

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2874 Posts

Posted - 08/07/2012 :  21:03:30  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
I've moved this thread to a more appropriate forum.

I'm not sure what you mean by export? In what way? Export to what? The file saves as .pat. You can export the image as jpg but that is ONLY the pattern. You can export to another version of PCStitch but that is still .pat but it does include everything.

There is no such thing as a stupid question
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4 Posts

Posted - 08/08/2012 :  08:56:29  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
My problem is that when I save the file (.PAT), the legend is in black and white (the reference of colors I used in the work is given by symbols).
I have tried to solve this problem by exporting the file in another extension (.JPG), but the reference of colors in the legend is still given by symbols (black and white).
It appears to me that the legend in colors (not referred just by symbols) is only possible when printing the file. I would like to save the file as displayed by the print preview.

Is it possible that?


Originally posted by Dragonlair

I've moved this thread to a more appropriate forum.

I'm not sure what you mean by export? In what way? Export to what? The file saves as .pat. You can export the image as jpg but that is ONLY the pattern. You can export to another version of PCStitch but that is still .pat but it does include everything.

There is no such thing as a stupid question

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2874 Posts

Posted - 08/08/2012 :  10:38:09  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
All the information is there. Just choose the right display options. You can see the pattern in color blocks, symbols over color blocks, symbols only or two forms of "virtual stitches". The palette (usually below the pattern) is always in color with the symbols showing on top.

You only see the full legend when printing and the print options can be chosen to be the way you want them to be.

If you try to "save" the file in any other method, you lose the information. One of the main benefits of a product like PCStitch is no-blur zooming! Since the pattern is encoded rather than just an image, you can zoom as much as you want and the symbols referencing the colors will not be blurry but remain nice and crisp.

You can use a virtual printer to export to a PDF to have a version of the pattern just as you see the print (or print preview) but then you lose the ability to change the pattern. If you want to adjust anything in the pattern, it MUST remain in .pat format.

There is no such thing as a stupid question
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4 Posts

Posted - 08/08/2012 :  11:10:49  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Thank you for your kind help!!

In my opinion this shortcoming could be solved in next software version.
As work with some magazines, the editors require the file with the legend as in printing pattern.



Originally posted by Dragonlair

All the information is there. Just choose the right display options. You can see the pattern in color blocks, symbols over color blocks, symbols only or two forms of "virtual stitches". The palette (usually below the pattern) is always in color with the symbols showing on top.

You only see the full legend when printing and the print options can be chosen to be the way you want them to be.

If you try to "save" the file in any other method, you lose the information. One of the main benefits of a product like PCStitch is no-blur zooming! Since the pattern is encoded rather than just an image, you can zoom as much as you want and the symbols referencing the colors will not be blurry but remain nice and crisp.

You can use a virtual printer to export to a PDF to have a version of the pattern just as you see the print (or print preview) but then you lose the ability to change the pattern. If you want to adjust anything in the pattern, it MUST remain in .pat format.

There is no such thing as a stupid question

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