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 Making ones own palette
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5 Posts

Posted - 08/30/2011 :  23:24:27  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
I want to covert a dog to a pattern using my own choice of threads. I have the palette already to use. How do I get the new colours to the pattern without having to replace them one by one after the pattern is made up


2873 Posts

Posted - 08/31/2011 :  07:45:27  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
When you add colors to be used for a pattern, they STAY with the pattern. The next time you load it, the same selected palette is available. You can change it but those colors are loaded with that pattern.

You can create a "default" palette that is automatically loaded when you load the program for use with NEW patterns but it does not affect existing patterns.

I'm not sure I fully understand your question but from what you have said - it's an automatic process - you have to select the colors to use them and once selected they will always be selected.

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Posted - 09/06/2011 :  21:26:56  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Thank you for your response. I will try and make the question clearer. At the moment I am converting a photo of a cat to a cross stitch and have chosen all the colours I want to use and would like to make a palette before I crop the picture and then I can just put the palette straight into the covertion before I turn the picture into the actual cross stitch pattern. That way all the colours I have selected will go straight to the pattern. I have tried various way of pasting and copying the palette but nothing seems to work. When I try to replace the colours in a palette the computer has made up I never seem to get the desired result why? are the photos too poor a quality or am I doing something radically wrong?
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2873 Posts

Posted - 09/06/2011 :  22:15:18  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
This is something you just can't do unless you create a whole new "floss design" using the floss editor.

What you can do is take the company (such as DMC) and make a copy of that floss definition file and rename it to what you want to use. Then delete all the entries that you DON'T want leaving just the ones you have. Save that and put it with the other floss palettes and you can select it from the drop-down menu in the Floss selection tab of the import.

That's the only way to do it. If you want to use multiple companies, such as DMC with Kreinik metallics, you have to create the additional entries manually using the Floss Editor.

There is no such thing as a stupid question
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414 Posts

Posted - 09/07/2011 :  08:58:53  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Actually, there is a roundabout way to do this. You can create a new pattern and add the colors you want to use to your floss palette. Next, go to the Tools->Palette Tools menu and choose Save Palette and save the palette to a disk file. Then on the last tab of the import wizard, click the option button to "Map colors to Floss Palette" and browse for the palette file you have just saved.

Mark Miller
M&R Technologies
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2873 Posts

Posted - 09/07/2011 :  10:03:22  Show Profile  Reply with Quote

That's almost as roundabout as my method but probably a bit easier. I don't do that much importing and I was trying to find a way to help out.

It does have one advantage, though. It allows for multiple companies' flosses in a single palette!

There is no such thing as a stupid question
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5 Posts

Posted - 09/10/2011 :  06:22:19  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Dear Diane and Mark,
Thank you both for your time and effort giving suggestions on creating my own palette. I did manage to follow your instructions Diane and make a palette. I was thrilled. It worked. My only problem is that I can't understand how to add a colour instead of deleting all the colours which is a long job and prone to mistakes. I have tried various ways but the only colour I get up is black even though it may be labelled with a totally different colour and code. Mark I have not tried your method yet but will certainly give it a go. Will let you know how I go on. I would appreciate any advise on adding colours when using the floss editor though. Again thank you.
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Posted - 09/12/2011 :  19:26:55  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
I did try your method Mark and that works too, thank you.
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