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Posted - 12/22/2010 :  15:12:59  Show Profile  Reply with Quote

I have imported a picture into the PC stitch program and did some adjustments to it. I found the stitch dimensions and it is to large. How do I resize a picture in PC stitch? Also, is there a way to crop it at this point?



2873 Posts

Posted - 12/22/2010 :  15:25:20  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
One way to resize a pattern is to simply use smaller stitches. Such as use 18 count instead of 14 count.

To "crop", you can just remove a certain number of rows and columns from each side.

If you want to make it narrower but still have the main part in the same relative point, remove the first group of columns and then the last group of columns. Make sure you remove the same number of columns. Similar for rows. It's harder to remove from the right side or the bottom because you have to specify the starting point. If it 100 columns wide and you want to remove the first and last 10 columns you would remove 10 columns starting from 1 and then 10 columns starting from 81 (after you remove the first 10, it's only 90 columns wide).

It's pretty easy to do.

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