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Posted - 03/23/2007 :  23:51:14  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
If anyone can explain to me how to run the backstitching part of this program I would greatly appreciate it - I am doing a picture that I have charted on this program - everything came out great - but unfortunately I can only chart a small area for the back stitching and the picture is 13 " w. x 16" long and has 182 stitches across and 225 stitches in length on 114 count aida.

Mrs. Ruth Welna


2875 Posts

Posted - 03/24/2007 :  08:12:21  Show Profile  Reply with Quote

First, I'm assuming you mean 14 count aida, not 114 count aida. You can't see the individual stitches if it's 114 count!

To do backstiching, you simply click on the stitch type icon that looks like a dash. Then all stitches will be in that type of stitches in the currently active color.

Just click on the desired start point (corner or middle of a stitch edge or the middle of the stitch itself), move the mouse to the end of that stitch and click again.

If your desired stitch is longer than you can see on the screen, stop it somewhere, scroll you picture in that direction, click on the line to "activate it" and drag the end on farther.

To do more backstitches, just scroll to another region and make your next backstitches.

It really isn't a lot different that any other stitch creation. it's just that you can make the stitches longer.

There is no such thing as a stupid question
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