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 Changing size of image from loaded library
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Posted - 02/16/2025 :  18:10:26  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Hello! Brand new user to PCStitch. I am using images from the libraries loaded into the program. I'd like to change the size of this image (make it bigger) in the pattern. Can someone tell me if that is possible, and if so, how?

I really appreciate your help. There is a definite learning curve, and I am doing a lot of googling and watching videos. I just haven't found this answer yet.

Excited to start using this! Thank you!


2874 Posts

Posted - 02/16/2025 :  20:13:48  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
I'm not sure what you mean by "larger". If you mean physically larger using the same pattern, just do the pattern using fabric with a smaller count. The ONLY thing affected by such a change is the estimate of the amount of floss needed and that's not very accurate anyway.

If you mean by more stitches for each part, there's no automatic way to do that. That requires a new pattern.

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2 Posts

Posted - 02/17/2025 :  12:27:30  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Thank you! For instance, I have a pattern of a flower that I want to include in a larger sampler I am doing. I had hoped there was a way I could select the flower and drag it to resize the image, thus making the pattern of the flower larger. From what you shared below, it looks like that isn't an option. It is helpful to know that b/c then I won't keep looking for something that doesn't exist.

Thanks for your reply!
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2874 Posts

Posted - 02/17/2025 :  13:04:18  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
One thing to keep in mind when you use any of the sample images. As soon as you even OPEN that list, your pattern becomes something you cannot share (as a PAT) with anybody because opening it tags the pattern as yours and your alone by copyright rules.

You don't even have to USE any of the patterns for this to crop up. If you wish to look at the patterns in that area, you should probably open it in an empty or "throw-away" pattern to know what you want. That way, if you don't see what you want, you don't lock up a pattern you are developing for someone else.

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