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9 Posts

Posted - 03/04/2023 :  05:35:52  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
I just finished designing a pattern but I'd like it to be bigger. Is there a 'easy' way to make it bigger?



2873 Posts

Posted - 03/04/2023 :  07:30:50  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
If you're talking about the size of the stitches - you can ignore what you have defined and use whatever you want. If you have designed for 18 count and want to use 14 count, no problem, just do it. The only "gotcha" is to ignore the estimates of floss usage.

If you're talking about a design that is larger in stitch count, that's not a problem either. Under the Tools tab, you can add rows and/or columns to your design. If you want to add a border to your pattern, you can add enough rows and columns for it at either side or top/bottom and then use another tools to center the design. That's easier than adding rows and columns twice (top/bottom and left/right).

There is no such thing as a stupid question
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9 Posts

Posted - 03/04/2023 :  11:59:02  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Thanks, Diane. Please let me clarify my question...Say I designed a dog's head and it will measure 3"x5"(AFTER I stitch it) and I need it to measure twice as big-AFTER it is stitched. Is there a way to expand it (instead of re-drawing it all by hand)?

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2873 Posts

Posted - 03/04/2023 :  12:22:59  Show Profile  Reply with Quote

The only way to do that without changing the pattern is to stitch it using larger stitches - which will make it appear very pixelated.

You can double the size of the pattern by halving the stitch count -- going from 28 count to 14 count, for example. Again, by making the stitches bigger, it makes it look more blocky and pixelated. If it is expected to be viewed from a distance, that is not really important but a close-up view wouldn't look as good.

If it from an import, you can start over by specifying a larger size for the expected design and that would add the stitches. The best patterns from import come from very small images. You should have it so your picture is as close as possible to the same dimensions in pixels as you wish the pattern to be in stitches (1 pixel to 1 stitch is the ideal).

There is no such thing as a stupid question
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36 Posts

Posted - 03/22/2024 :  12:25:27  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by kristyz

Thanks, Diane. Please let me clarify my question...Say I designed a dog's head and it will measure 3"x5"(AFTER I stitch it) and I need it to measure twice as big-AFTER it is stitched. Is there a way to expand it (instead of re-drawing it all by hand)?


This sounds like a feature request for the next upgrade or new version of PCStitch.


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