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Posted - 06/21/2021 :  12:09:14  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
I used to use my PCStitch program a lot, but it's been years now, and Version 11 is totally new to me. I'm gonna have a lot of dumb questions as I try and get back in the swing of things!

Trying my hand at importing old woodblock prints. One has a color background and I can't remember if it's possible to remove the background or not. If there is, when do you do it?

I'm going to have some cleaning up to do on the outlines so removing all the color in the background would make it so much easier!



2873 Posts

Posted - 06/21/2021 :  15:15:51  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
If you import an image that has a solid color background, you can later tag that color and remove it. If that color is used elsewhere, you may have to mark out parts of the image and remove the color IN THAT SECTION and them manually remove any that may be left over.

However, be aware that what you see as a solid color, the computer usually does not!

There is no such thing as a stupid question
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Posted - 06/21/2021 :  18:00:38  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Thanks for the reply, Diane. Clearly, I'm going to have to go back to kindergarten to remember how to even import a picture! The background came in as a full-coverage multi-shaded blue, not a solid color at all, even though the original is a solid blue background with a black ink print. Far too much color interpretation for me!

When I imported something with a white background & black ink it charted it with every background square filled in with white stitches! I don't remember it doing that before? I even limited it to only 5 floss colors, and it chose to make one the white background. Why?

Time for the old-fashioned pencil & paper I guess! Version 11 is far more complex than the early versions I used to use! I need a user's manual (or at least a cheat sheet of where to look for tips) when it comes to importing pictures. I don't want full coverage, I want to be able to get creative with my art & art I have from the public domain, just to see what I can do, and to re-learn how to use the software.

If anyone could point me in the right direction...assume I know very little. I "tagged" a color, chose the erase tool but it only erased one stitch at a time. What step did I miss? Keep in mind, it's been over a decade for me since I last used the software. Thanks for any help anyone can give, it's much appreciated!

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2873 Posts

Posted - 06/21/2021 :  21:12:03  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Check the shortcuts created when you installed it. There should be one for a PDF user's manual that is in the folder where the product is installed.

There is also the tutorial. It's still there!

Good Luck,

There is no such thing as a stupid question
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