I have 2 designs that I want to merge together, They are the same image but to get the skin tone I need it totally messes up the rest of the design. The other one has all the right colors but the skin tone is wrong. Does anyone have any idea how I can import the face & arms from design 1 into design 2. For some reason I can't get the coloring right in photoshop. I can get the color I want in Stitch 11, now I just need to merge the designs together to make it look good. If someone can tell me how. Thank you, amanda
You cannot merge images - especially the way you wish to do it. There is no way that the software can distinguish what you want.
Your best bet is to COPY portions from one pattern to the other and replace the colors involved. It won't be exact because each import into PCStitch is going to have different "edges" to such things as body parts.
Some hints to the importing of images, especially photographs:
Make the image simple. Don't have a busy background - that just makes more "confetti" and makes the importing more complicated.
Make the image TINY! Make it the same dimensions in pixels (as close as possible) to the number of stitches involved. The closer you are to a 1/1 ratio of pixels to stitches, the easier it is for the software to convert the pixels to single colors.
There will still be tweaking involved, even hours of it for a simple design, but the work is well worth the effort to get just what you want.