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 Importing image
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Stephanie Trietsch

5 Posts

Posted - 05/12/2019 :  11:43:57  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
My image in preview is solid black. I can see it clearly in the first window but not as the preview. If I click okay the document is blank. Any ideas? Thanks!

Stephanie Trietsch

5 Posts

Posted - 05/12/2019 :  12:10:46  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Also, the image is an outline in black on white paper. Would that make a difference? I wanted to color it in once it's in the software.
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2874 Posts

Posted - 05/12/2019 :  12:16:18  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
I have done the "outline" idea to be filled in later without a problem. What is the resolution of image (pixel size). It may be that it's having issues with that. Remember that your best bet is to have the image the same dimensions in pixels that you want the eventual stitching project to be (or as close as possible). That makes the image LOOK tiny but with one pixel/stitch conversion the results are much better.

Also, be aware that even though your image is just black on white, the results will NOT be so clean-cut. There will be a lot of gray (or even yellow, purple, or pink) "shading". That's a result of the computer seeing the image differently than you do. Just tweak it to the way you want and then "color" it in.

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Stephanie Trietsch

5 Posts

Posted - 05/12/2019 :  14:33:59  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
How do I adjust the pixel size/resolution of what I'm importing? I am trying to create a 5in x 5in ornament. When I import the picture it is too pixelated. I've adjusted the import size; I've tried cropping the photo after I imported it; I've adjusted the number of colors to be used. I'm at my wits end. I've cross-stitched 5x5 ornaments before and believe my design simple enough to work at that size. Thanks again!

Originally posted by Dragonlair

I have done the "outline" idea to be filled in later without a problem. What is the resolution of image (pixel size). It may be that it's having issues with that. Remember that your best bet is to have the image the same dimensions in pixels that you want the eventual stitching project to be (or as close as possible). That makes the image LOOK tiny but with one pixel/stitch conversion the results are much better.

Also, be aware that even though your image is just black on white, the results will NOT be so clean-cut. There will be a lot of gray (or even yellow, purple, or pink) "shading". That's a result of the computer seeing the image differently than you do. Just tweak it to the way you want and then "color" it in.

There is no such thing as a stupid question

Edited by - Stephanie Trietsch on 05/12/2019 15:19:19
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2874 Posts

Posted - 05/12/2019 :  15:11:26  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
You have to use external software for that. I use Irfanview (free) which allows you to adjust the size and keep the aspect ratio. Microsoft Paint will also allow you to adjust but you have to keep that aspect ratio consistent yourself.

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Stephanie Trietsch

5 Posts

Posted - 05/14/2019 :  09:00:22  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Hi Diane,

I have sized the image to 5in x 5in and the resolution is 300dpi. When imported it shows 3300 x 2550 pixels. The p"review image is so blurry I don't recognize it. And, I'm sorry but, what do you mean by "tweaking"?

Originally posted by Dragonlair

I have done the "outline" idea to be filled in later without a problem. What is the resolution of image (pixel size). It may be that it's having issues with that. Remember that your best bet is to have the image the same dimensions in pixels that you want the eventual stitching project to be (or as close as possible). That makes the image LOOK tiny but with one pixel/stitch conversion the results are much better.

Also, be aware that even though your image is just black on white, the results will NOT be so clean-cut. There will be a lot of gray (or even yellow, purple, or pink) "shading". That's a result of the computer seeing the image differently than you do. Just tweak it to the way you want and then "color" it in.

There is no such thing as a stupid question

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2874 Posts

Posted - 05/14/2019 :  12:50:58  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
You don't size by inches. You size by pixels. If you have a 5 x 5 ornament that is probably 14 count, then you need an image that is 70 X 70 pixels! That's what you need. Take your original image and resize it to 70 X 70 (or as close as you can if it's not really square). Then import that tiny image. Yes - 70 X 70 looks like an icon or thumbnail, but it gives the best quality import.

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