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4 Posts

Posted - 02/16/2019 :  01:13:36  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
1. When I go to pattern view, my screen is showing very big squares.
How do I get the pattern to show up with small squares?
2. Also, when I resized my pattern, only a portion of the pattern shows up on the screen. Half the pattern is gone. How do I get the whole pattern to be resized and show up on the screen?
3. How Can I get the color palette to show only the colors in my pattern with the color ID, description and symbol on the side of the page with the pattern on it? On the bottom of the page?
4. I removed a few columns of the design on left and right sides and the color squares went away but the white squares behind them remain. How do I eliminate those white squares too?



2874 Posts

Posted - 02/16/2019 :  08:01:43  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
When you open a pattern, it displays in the same "resolution" as was used when it was last closed. To change that, go to the "Home" tab. The very first option is the zoom factor. You can enter a factor or use from the drop down menu that goes up to 800%. There is also "Whole Pattern", "Pattern Width" and "Pattern Height" to give you the other options.

Unless your screen is very large, your pattern small, and your eyesight good; it is rare to see the entire pattern during editing. Under the "View" tab, there is a "View Pattern" option that displays the current pattern as blocks of color in a pop-up window. How blocky it looks depends on the size of the pattern. The smaller the pattern, the blockier it looks.

The color palette (called the Floss Palette) is, by default, on the bottom. It shows the color and the symbol on top of the color (dark colors show the symbol in white and light colors show it in black). If you hover over the color block, it will give you the code and the color name as well as how many stitches in that color. Getting all of it all the time on the page while editing is not possible. When you print, you can have the basic information on the right side of the rightmost page in each row (for larger patterns) as well as the separate instruction sheet.

I'm not sure what your 4th question means. If you mean you just removed the pattern but the overall grid didn't reduce, you can do that using the "Pattern Sizing" options under "Tools". It actually reduces the grid. If you say to remove 4 columns starting in column 15, it removes a "slice" of the pattern at that point and your pattern size is now 4 columns smaller. If I need to remove, I try to do it at the one end and then "re-center" the pattern.

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