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 Underlay issue
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Posted - 03/10/2013 :  15:50:35  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
I've created a pattern of 200 x 400 stitches from a photo, by reducing the photo to 200 x 400 pixels. Now I need to tweak it. I imported the photo as an underlay so I can match stitch colors to the individual pixels. I expected it to show each individual pixel in the underlay as a single color (i.e. matching the stitches in the pattern), but it doesn't. Rather, it blurs the pixels together so that underlay is virtually useless.

How can I import the underlay so that it displays one pixel of color per stitch?



2873 Posts

Posted - 03/10/2013 :  20:12:07  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
I don't know that it's possible to do that. I've never used the underlay feature but getting the underlay to match your pattern does not appear to be possible. The underlay will be expanded to fit your pattern which displays more than one pixel/square for the stitches. They are blocks in the display that represent a single pixel.

Your best bet is to simply eye the image and the pattern (or view of the pattern) back and forth and tweak as you see fit. You may not match the picture pixel by pixel but the key is to get a pattern that is pleasing to you. If you achieve that -- then it's just fine!

Remember that special stitches such as backstitches and fractionals are NOT created during import. That is a "tweak effect".

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128 Posts

Posted - 03/15/2013 :  22:13:39  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
I've used the underlay a lot, and it's really helpful for someone like me who can't draw! I do find it's best used to 'trace' outlines of things rather than detailed copying.

I do have an issue with it though, I don't know if anyone can help? When I do use it, and click on a square, the underlying image seems to jump, so if you line up the underlay to match the grid, then click on a square, the lining up gets un-lined up. Can anyone suggest a way to stop that please?
Thank you.

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