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 brighter pattern from photo
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Papua New Guinea
7 Posts

Posted - 10/12/2012 :  23:46:37  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
I imported a nice picture but the colors aren't as bright in the pattern as they are in the photo. I adjusted the photo's saturation and imported again and it still isn't bright. I've even tried changing some of the colors - but way too much work.

I really want to stitch this photo but I want the cross stitch to be as bright as the photo.

And I do not want to adjust the pattern stitch by stitch - it would be a huge job because it is quite a large pattern.

thank you for your help, Toni


2873 Posts

Posted - 10/13/2012 :  07:46:57  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Computers see colors differently than you do. That's part of the issue. Also, there are only a limited number of really bright colors of floss and that limits things.

You can make a floss palette of colors you want it to use and make it use that palette. That might be some help. Also, limit the number of colors it can use (focus mainly on the foreground) and you're more likely to get acceptable colors.

Above all - be prepared to make changes. The base import of an image into a design is just a first step. You're almost guaranteed to need to remove confetti stitches and changes edges and so forth to improve this raw import.

You don't have to change stitch by stitch (except where changing borders and such) if you don't like a color. If color "A" isn't bright enough then find the color you do want and REPLACE Color "A" with this new color "B". The program will change every single stitch to the new color. If you want this change to be limited to just a given area, you can do that, too. Just mark off the area you want the change to use and tell it to change in the selected area.

Creations of patterns from images is not a simple step. It's as much art as it is technology and you do need to be prepared to spend some time on it if you want a pattern that REALLY fits your needs.

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