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 trying to make photo pattern
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2 Posts

Posted - 06/12/2012 :  19:41:22  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
when i try to make a pattern from a photo and print it out, it all in tangerine and watermelon and green colors and they only have about 5 different floss colors and they are in KRL not DMC. im new too this and have no clue what im doing wrong


2875 Posts

Posted - 06/12/2012 :  21:15:44  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
At this point, all I can suggest is you read and try the tutorial. Follow it step by step to get a feel for how the process works.

From what you are saying, there is just not enough detail to determine what is wrong.

There is no such thing as a stupid question
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2 Posts

Posted - 06/13/2012 :  21:28:57  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
ok thanks. i didnt realize this is a pro stitch software. ive been cross stitching for 20 yrs but never had the software to make my own patterns
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13 Posts

Posted - 05/30/2013 :  00:42:54  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Have you solved this problem? When I first started using PC Stitch I had the same problem. Here are some steps that may prove useful:

1) Under Tools clear all unused colors from your palette. Then save the new palette as your default. This will allow all future imports to provide you the best looking charts.

2) Choose Tools again to set your pattern dimensions to the largest possible setting. You will change this once more after the import is completed.

3) Use the Import feature to make your photo-to-pattern conversion. Set your color options to the most that is allowed. The program will tell you what the maximum value is. Pressing the number "9" several times will quickly show you what that limit is.

4) The import mode has a preview/info option that when used will tell you how many stitches your image will use. Jot that down if you need to so you can go back into Tools to key it in.

5) After the image is successfully imported go back to your Tools option and key in the actual stitches your image requires. This will get rid of any unused areas on your chart so you don't waste paper and ink when you go to print your chart.


Bruce Berryhill
Fractal Artist & Animator

Creator of nearly 100,000 fractals
16,800 HD VJ Loops
300,000 fractal sounds
(all of my fractals are for sale as PC Cross Stitch Patterns)
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