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 problems with floss colors
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Posted - 03/21/2012 :  17:38:13  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
I want to use DMC 5272,5283,and 5287 in my pattern, but they aren't available colors. Is there some way around this?

Also, my pattern is mostly back-stitches in shades of gray, pale blue, white, and silver using DMC Light Effects and DMC Satins, so when I apply those flosses to my pattern, it's almost impossible to tell the difference between them. Should I just use red and blue and green flosses, etc., and then make up my own conversion chart?

Thanks again for your help. I finally managed to delete the problem stitches I mentioned in my last post!

Becky in Kentucky


2874 Posts

Posted - 03/21/2012 :  20:26:19  Show Profile  Reply with Quote

For those DMC colors, you need to use the "old" numbers. Select "DMC Metallic" to get those colors.

As for the variations with the light effects and Satins, you're going to have the same problem with almost any floss family when you want subtle shading. I would recommend you select very different symbols for the colors and choose a display option that leaves the symbols visible. That should help. It would be just as good as using artificial colors and then having to explain in the instructions the "conversion".

I had to wait to check - PCStitch insisted on checking for an update - which it found and then installed.

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