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36 Posts

Posted - 05/24/2022 :  08:06:09  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
01) During the import phase of converting images to patterns the left hand side automatically scales the source image to fit inside the preview window. The right hand side does not. It requires us to choose the level of detail in percentages or a "fit to" option. It also requires us to tick a tiny white check box to show the preview.

It would be great if in the options settings we can tell the software to always scale the images to fit inside the preview window and to show the preview of what our import conversions will look like. As I get older that little check box is getting harder to hit. It would be great to make that larger as well as the drop-down menu options.

02) Please add basic geometric shapes for us to choose from that we can re-size, rotate, and distort as we please.

Thank you,



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Edited by - FunFractals on 11/19/2022 05:09:14
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112 Posts

Posted - 07/31/2022 :  16:32:48  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Two suggestions:

1. Currently when using the paint bucket it only fills with full stitches. It would be nice if it could also fill in with other stitches as well, like half stitches.

2. Currently while hovering over a color it says how many stitches. It would be nice if it say how many stitches and how many back stitches.
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Dominican Republic
6 Posts

Posted - 02/16/2024 :  16:22:10  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Occasionally I get patterns that list Anchor colors instead of DMC. I only have DMC threads. If possibe I would like to be able to put the pattern into PCStitch with Anchor colors and then have the program switch the threads to DMC numbers.

Betts Passmore
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Posted - 03/21/2024 :  13:29:09  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
It would be perfect as a program if it had a better simulation of the cross. As a designer I would appreciate it very much.
Thanks for the attention.

Cristina Didi
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36 Posts

Posted - 03/22/2024 :  12:04:10  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by Bettsp

Occasionally I get patterns that list Anchor colors instead of DMC. I only have DMC threads. If possibe I would like to be able to put the pattern into PCStitch with Anchor colors and then have the program switch the threads to DMC numbers.

Betts Passmore

If you get a guide image that shows you how the pattern should look when completed, then you already have the means to do this with PCStitch. Are these patterns printed or a computer file? If they are printed, you can use a flatbed scanner to capture the image of the pattern. Once you have it saved, you can then take that image to use in the import feature of PCStitch. From there you choose how many colors you want until you're happy with the quality of the preview. Then you give it name, fill in some basic details in the options' menu, save it as a .PAT file, then print it as a .PDF or print the pattern on your home printer.

If it is a computer file, then you can use the included guide image to import as described above. This should solve your problem.

Take care,



Home to over 7,640 Cross Stitch .PDFs

(Free Try Before You Buy Samples)

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10 Posts

Posted - 09/07/2024 :  08:01:00  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Io trovo PcStitch quasi perfetto, tranne per una cosa: l'anteprima del lavoro tutto non reale.
Non si tratta di monitor, di colori o altro, ma di crocette disegnate proprio male, irreali graficamente.
Se correggete questo sarete al top, xche un programma cosi facile, intuitivo, pieno di funzionalitą ad un prezzo cosi buono, č difficile trovarlo

Cristina Didi
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