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 Removing background

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Jekka Posted - 02/19/2025 : 17:14:17
Hello -

I am new to PCStitch and I am trying to learn as I go through videos and other questions that have been answered. Trying to give this program a chance but so far it's been very disappointing in it's limitations.

What I cannot understand is that if I upload my pattern to be black and stitched on whatever color aida the stitcher chooses, how can I get the program not to count the background as something needing to be stitched in?

Is there a certain format of image I need to upload for it to not accept the background?

Thank you!

~ Buying Patterns like I'm Immortal ~
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Dragonlair Posted - 02/19/2025 : 17:51:30
Importing an image is just that -- EVERYTHING is considered stitched. If you want to import without a background, then you have to carefully construct the image with a solid color (and I do mean solid color) and then REMOVE that color after import.

You still won't have a sharp edge between the background and the image because of the way that computers view images. I've seen a solid straight black line show up as shades of gray.

No matter how simple an image you import, you still must spend hours "tweaking" the pattern to get what you want. Removal of background color is just one of those tweaks.

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