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 The Register and Unlock button doesn't work

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Jono Posted - 07/26/2019 : 20:19:57
I bought an Unlock key after downloading the Evaluation Version, and got access to it through email. Problem is, when I press the Register and Unlock button and put in the information, it accepts it but the software doesn't actually unlock, it still doesn't let me save my patterns or export them, or any of that other good stuff.

Can anyone help me out? I'm on Windows 7 if that matters. I email Customer Service and filled out the contact form but I'm not confident I'll get a reply. I'm desperate, Winstitch is weird and buggy and I don't like change.
6   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Dragonlair Posted - 07/29/2019 : 17:26:26
Good! Now you're ready to run with it!

I think the reason is you may have had to modify registry entries or you placed the folder in the default location of Program Files (x86) that does require admin access to write to it.

Have fun!

There is no such thing as a stupid question
Jono Posted - 07/29/2019 : 15:13:15
Originally posted by Dragonlair

Mark is a co-owner of PCStitch. You're heading to the top of the chain. If he can't help, I have no idea who can.

I still suggest you try the uninstall/reinstall trick. That does sometimes clear out something. I also suggest Revo Uninstaller (there is a free version) to clear out any odd registry entries with the uninstall.

There is no such thing as a stupid question

Just wanted to let you know Diane that Mark replied, and it seems I had to run the software as administrator. I don't know why that worked, but it did.
Jono Posted - 07/27/2019 : 13:13:24
Tried the reinstall trick but doesn't seem to help. I've emailed Mark but if I don't hear back within a week, I'm hoping Paypal can help me with the refund lol.
Dragonlair Posted - 07/27/2019 : 07:38:06
Mark is a co-owner of PCStitch. You're heading to the top of the chain. If he can't help, I have no idea who can.

I still suggest you try the uninstall/reinstall trick. That does sometimes clear out something. I also suggest Revo Uninstaller (there is a free version) to clear out any odd registry entries with the uninstall.

There is no such thing as a stupid question
Jono Posted - 07/26/2019 : 23:23:57
It's just another embroidery software someone recommended, I'm more used to PCStitch though.

Does Mark not run the Customer Service email address or contact form? Maybe I should just copy and paste the email I sent there to Mark?
Dragonlair Posted - 07/26/2019 : 22:12:20

If you don't get an answer, send an email to Mark at mmiller@pcstitch.com about the issue.

I suggest you uninstall the program (it won't affect any patterns) and then re-install and then try to activate right away. You might want to reboot between the uninstall and reinstall.

Good Luck,

There is no such thing as a stupid question

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