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 No bold gridlines after exporting to graphic file?

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
rgh Posted - 07/01/2019 : 19:10:44
Hello, I'm enjoying my very first experience with PCStitch! The program is so much more fun and easy to use than I expected.

But when I export to a graphic file, the bold gridlines no longer show or print as bold. I think I've explored all the controls and searched the help files by every relevant keyword I can think of. What have I missed? I need to end up with a .jpg file to insert in printed booklets, and I really, really need those bold gridlines. Thank you for your help!
2   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
rgh Posted - 07/02/2019 : 16:15:41
Thank you! I'll try that immediately!
Dragonlair Posted - 07/01/2019 : 20:15:20
The export to an image is not designed to be used for the entire project as there is no key involved.

The only way you can do what you wish is to use the print facility and print to a PDF. You can then use external software to convert a PDF to a jpg.

There is no such thing as a stupid question

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