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T O P I C    R E V I E W
navymom0257 Posted - 06/17/2019 : 08:03:53
Is there a way to fill in all background stitches with one color without manually clicking on each block?

Sara Griffith
1   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Dragonlair Posted - 06/17/2019 : 12:34:20
Sure! You can do the same thing to fill in blocks of a single color anywhere in a pattern. Select the stitch type (probably full stitches, or possibly half-stitches for a background) and then select the Tools tab. The first item is "Paint".

Using that tool, the active floss color is placed on the stitch selected and all surrounding stitches until it hits a "block" of another color. For blocks of stitches not in the background, it must be enclosed by stitches of any color. Backstitches do not count as "blocking" stitches.

There is also a shortcut click that can be used for "paint". I don't recall exactly what the default setting is but in my case, it's shift-right-click.

There is a section in the Options to set the shortcut clicks.

There is no such thing as a stupid question

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