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 Back stitches

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
cynusps Posted - 02/08/2019 : 10:32:39
How do you add back stitches in the program? Also os there a manual or help item somewhere? I didn't see it in the program or their website.

1   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Dragonlair Posted - 02/08/2019 : 12:40:02
I'll answer Question 2 first. Check the shortcuts that were created when you installed the program. One is to a PDF manual for the software. There is no printed manual anymore but you could print the PDF manual if you wanted to take that much ink and paper. There is also a tutorial under Help that you might want to take to get a feel for the basics.

For the other question -- Under the "Home" tab, you can see a group of symbols for the various stitches. To the right of the main group is a large dash that says "Backstitch" beside it. Click on that for backstitching.

To make a backstitch, left click to start the stitch and then drag the mouse to the end of the stitch. There is an auto-backstitch but I never use it because it defines each backstitch as one "grid" distance long. Although that is the actual definition of a backstitch, it does make the file larger but the floss usage chart a bit more accurate.

You can also hold down the ctrl key while you press the left button to start a stitch and then just keep clicking the left button to make a connected sequence of stitches. It's a lot faster! A right-click terminates the sequence at the end of the previous stitch (last left click).

There is no such thing as a stupid question

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