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 Multiple floss brands?

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Malfore Posted - 02/07/2019 : 16:45:21
Trying to find a way to use multiple floss brands on a single import image. I can’t seem to find the source files, otherwise I would just combine the brands I want into a single file. The only way I can think to do this would be to make a new list and manually add each and every single thread to it (and since I want to use DMC cotton and anchor cotton, this would take *forever*. Anyone have a better idea?
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Dragonlair Posted - 02/07/2019 : 17:34:52
The software is not designed to handle more than one floss palette (or manufacturer in this case) at a time. It's impossible for it to know which to use when so it makes sense that it would be limited in this manner.

The best you can do is to choose what kinds of colors you wish to have as DMC and which to have as Anchor. You don't have to have them all of each company. Then save that palette and use it when you import your image.

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