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 Text in backstitching

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Aaron Houston Posted - 01/17/2019 : 12:19:40
Does anyone know if you can do text in back stitching with the text tool? The text I am doing is smaller and won't come out right in stitching.

I can do it by hand but would rather use the text tool if I can.


3   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Dragonlair Posted - 01/17/2019 : 20:14:37
What makes sense and what's possible don't always coincide.

It boils down to the same thing -- if you can't make the font smaller, you have to do it manually or create a stitched font the size you need.

There is no such thing as a stupid question
Aaron Houston Posted - 01/17/2019 : 18:51:16
I have a font that I already have on my PC. It's a true type font so the program recognizes it. The problem is that I'm doing it smaller so having it as stitches doesn't work. I was trying to do it as backstitching instead of stitches. This way I could get a lot more out of it. Does that make sense.
Dragonlair Posted - 01/17/2019 : 12:42:50
The text tool assumes a given font. If no font (either true-type or stitched) is right for what you need, you either need to make your own font and use that or create the stitching manually.

There is no such thing as a stupid question

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