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 Palette help!!

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
JpfsGrl86 Posted - 01/07/2019 : 17:06:33
Hi! I'm new to this so if this is the wrong area, please divert me to the correct area!!

I had lost my palette so I added the same color several times and now there are multiple symbols for the one color. How do I merge it and make it one symbol?? Any help is appreciated!!
3   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Dragonlair Posted - 01/09/2019 : 17:36:01
OK, I moved it to the correct forum.

I only have 10 and 11 installed on my PC but I think the answer would be the same all the way back to version 7. That's where I stared back in 2004. If you think about it, only going up 4 levels in more than 14 years is amazing.

There is no such thing as a stupid question
JpfsGrl86 Posted - 01/09/2019 : 16:00:45
I guess I do have PCStitch 11! Thank you for the help!
Dragonlair Posted - 01/07/2019 : 20:34:46
Whether or not you posted in the right place depends on what version of PCStitch you're using. If it is 11, I'll move this thread later. Please specify what version.

As to your problem, it's an easy fix. First, sort your palette by color number. Right click in the floss palette area and select "Sort Palette by" and select something to put all the duplicate symbols together. Then choose which symbol you want to use, left-click on that symbol in the palette and DRAG it over one of the others of that same color. You will have a choice of "Replace" or "Cancel". If you select replace, ALL stitches of the 2nd symbol will suddenly have the first symbol. Do that for each duplicate until you reduce it down to a single symbol for the color.

There is no such thing as a stupid question

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