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 Edit border size

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
nogladpuns Posted - 01/04/2019 : 12:27:21

I'm new here, and am trying to figure out how to edit the size of the border I created. When I click on any of the options in 'pattern sizing' under the tools tab, it tells me that "in order to resize a border, you need to change the sizes in the properties window", and then asks me if I would like to open the border properties window now. When I click yes, nothing happens. I also can't find where to open the border properties window manually. I can't find anything under the view borders or edit selected border either.

Any ideas?

Thanks so much!
2   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
nogladpuns Posted - 01/07/2019 : 05:10:05
It worked! Thanks so much for your expertise (:
Dragonlair Posted - 01/04/2019 : 15:43:42
Ok, I think I got something figured out. I've been using PCStitch for almost 15 years now and I don't usually play with borders and have never created one.

If you click to edit your selected border, it brings it up in a separate window. If you then click "Pattern Properties" under "Home", you will see such things as the width and such. I think that is where you can make the changes you wish.

Good Luck,

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