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 changing colors for the pattern

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Joan Upton Posted - 01/02/2019 : 09:57:16
I have searched all online info for able to tell the program after exporting the picture - I want to change a color in the sky, but it will not let me change it. Not sure I am writing what I am trying to say.

I export the picture, let the program decide the colors, but want to change just 2 colors in the sky, but not the complete 2 colors.

Any help will be helpful.

Thank you in advance.

2   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Joan Upton Posted - 01/02/2019 : 14:09:34
yes, import sorry - thank you I think this is what I am needing - the pattern is showing color 839 in the sky, but I want to change that color in the sky only (not the color 839 in the trees). I will try this and thank you so much - Still trying to get to know this program :)

Dragonlair Posted - 01/02/2019 : 12:30:32
I'm guessing you mean import, not export (bringing the image INTO PCStitch and converting to a pattern).

The best you can do is mark off the area (use the Arrow cursor, click and hold in one corner of the area you wish to change and drag to the opposite corner), select the "new color", select the "old color" in the palette with a right click. There is an option there to replace the color either in the entire pattern or in the selected area.

If both colors are in the same area, you do not need to do the marking off for the second color, just the replace.

It's possible that you will have to manually change some colors but this will get the biggest area. Any other colors in the area marked off are not affected.

I hope this helps.

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