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 Import ignores white pixels and charts nothing

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
lokiofsassgaard Posted - 12/01/2018 : 21:36:41
For the last few months, importing an image to stitch has required a lot of extra effort on my part. But the import tool simply does not import white.

I have to go through and manually put the white stitches back in. I cannot find the setting that has changed this. It has to be a bug right?
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Aaron Houston Posted - 01/17/2019 : 18:53:48
I don't think it's really a big deal personally but that is a great suggestion. That feels like the most logical solution.
Dragonlair Posted - 01/17/2019 : 12:41:29
I checked the issue with both PCStitch 10 and PCStitch 11. Both show this behavior. I don't remember previous versions (I don't have them installed). I think it is to save you work as the assumption is obviously made that you are stitching on white fabric.

If you do want white stitches, you can create the color and use the paint option to fill in the background or any other large areas of fabric. Smaller areas would have to be done more slowly.

If you do wish this strongly, I suggest that you request it as a feature in future updates where the color of the background can be specified and any pixel/stitch that doesn't match that color will be stitched.

There is no such thing as a stupid question
Aaron Houston Posted - 01/17/2019 : 12:21:34
I have the same issue whenever I import an image with white in it. I have to manually add all the white in myself.
TCKD Posted - 12/28/2018 : 07:29:56
I havent tried that yet. The yet me know if the problem still exists. I'll reply again to this later.

Dragonlair Posted - 12/01/2018 : 22:14:45
I have absolutely no idea. I did a black and white image a few years ago and the white showed up as well as one with a white pillow later and it worked. I haven't tried to import for some time.

There is a lot of tweaking required when you import an image but that's not one I thought about. I suggest you use the contact form and ask about it.

There is no such thing as a stupid question

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