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 floss editor

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
sunrai Posted - 04/08/2012 : 17:19:49
Hi all,

I am converting photos to cross stitch patterns and I want to increase the number of colours available in any one palette, for example DMC. This would enable me to produce patterns where the colors blend very smoothly.

I thought the best way to do this is to blend the threads, and so i have worked out the rgb values of blending all the threads and have started using the floss editor to input each blend into pcstitch as if it were its own thread. However, I can only do them one blend at a time - there are nearly 8000 possible combinations of thread blends for the DMC range.

Is there a faster way to input the threads into the floss editor?

Thanks for your help

4   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
johnkeeb Posted - 05/15/2012 : 19:15:05
Um, there's another problem with having LOTS of colors: the font only has about 200 symbols in it. I haven't tested to see what will happen when you ask for 300 colors to be in the chart resulting from photo conversion. Give that a try before getting too involved in the blend project.
Dragonlair Posted - 04/08/2012 : 22:14:20
I think there is a way to have more than one company in an import but I don't remember how it works. I don't do much importing.

Although myriaCross has over 300 palettes, I don't think even they do what you need. You could send them an email and ask if they have it and maybe they have a way to generate the palette you need automatically.

Good Luck,

There is no such thing as a stupid question
sunrai Posted - 04/08/2012 : 22:05:25
Hi Diane,

Thank you for your response, I feared as much!

Is there any way to use two different manufacturers palettes while converting a photo? Or do you know if the Myria Cross products have a preset palette with all the blended threads?

Thanks for your help

Dragonlair Posted - 04/08/2012 : 17:35:58
I'm sorry but no. You have given yourself one Herculean task! The Floss editor was never designed to be automated or handle something of that magnitude.

good luck!

There is no such thing as a stupid question

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