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 Default strands settings

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Daisy Posted - 03/30/2012 : 03:28:17
I often use both backstitch AND satin stitch (long stitch) in my patterns but can't see how I can set the correct default number of strand settings.

For backstitch, I want to use one strand, for satin stitch, I often want to use three strands to give a good rich cover of colour.

In the Pattern Properties window - Default number of strands, I can set for EITHER Backstitch OR Satin stitch. Whichever I choose, the information sheet and thread useage calculations will be wrong.

Is there a way to select for both?
(And is there a 'simulated fabric option for display?)

Many thanks
2   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Daisy Posted - 03/31/2012 : 00:51:10
Ok - thanks for that.
Mark Posted - 03/30/2012 : 10:00:20
I'm sorry, but we don't have separate strand options for back stitches and satin stitches. We also don't have a virtual fabric display, although that would be a great feature for a future version.

Mark Miller
M&R Technologies

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