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 Problem erasing

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
becky41030 Posted - 03/20/2012 : 17:42:04
Is there a magic trick to get the Eraser tool to work? It has never worked for me, no matter how many times I read the Help instructions. I have some stubborn lines in a complex design that I can't seem to remove that way.

I also can't get the little circles to appear on the ends of my line segments so that I could right-click and get rid of them that way.

I can select the area but the delete key doesn't remove them.
Any help will be appreciated.

Becky in Kentucky

PS to Diane--Are you really managing and answering all the questions on the Forum by yourself--and as a volunteer? Wow! Praise and thanks, gratitude and kudos are coming your way!
1   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Dragonlair Posted - 03/20/2012 : 20:20:49

One way to be able to catch the circles on backstitch lines is to zoom in! When you zoom, it's a bit more distinct where they are. Deleting won't work on backstitches unless BOTH ends of line are within the borders of your defined selected area. Only one end - won't work.

PS - Thanks, Becky. Yes, I'm a volunteer. I've been working with PCStitch since version 7 back in 2004. You work with any software long enough, you learn how it works. Also, I do admit - I load the software to verify my answers quite a few times - including this one. I currently have 7, 9 and 10 installed and, if needed, I could put in 8. I see no reason for below 7. That's at least 8 years back now! If I can't answer it - I'll either leave it for someone else (usually not software related) or send them to Mark for an answer. When in doubt - pass the buck!

There is no such thing as a stupid question

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